April Devotionals: What Good Is an Empty Tomb?

by Aaron Dunlop

“Come, see the place where the Lord lay” were the words of comfort the angel spoke to the women who came at dawn to the tomb. The purpose of the angels, of course, was not to advertise a tourist attraction or to create a shrine, but to comfort the woman and the disciples with the fact that the tomb was empty. It was the message of an empty tomb that the women were to take to the disciples: “He is not here: he is risen!”

While Christendom generally accepts the teaching of the resurrection, its significance is not felt as much as the doctrine is recognized. What I mean is, there is a difference between accepting the doctrine of the resurrection and experiencing the power of the resurrection—that power that emboldened the disciples and propelled the early church across the world.

Paul said if the physical and literal resurrection is taken out of the message of the church, then our preaching is in vain. We must ask ourselves, however, how much of the resurrection or the hope of the resurrection is heard in the preaching of evangelical churches. How much is understood? How much is hoped for intelligently and spiritually in the life of the believer?

How much of this power do you know, Christian? Has the resurrection of Christ ever come to your mind with power and lasting comfort in a time of difficulty, temptation, or despair? Have you ever been strengthened by the truth of the resurrected Redeemer and all the hope that it holds? Have you ever thought of the resurrection as beneficial in the practical, everyday living of life?

During the month of April we will be considering the resurrection of Christ with these questions in mind. We will be asking the question, what practical benefit does the physical and literal resurrection of Christ hold for us in the twenty-first century? Let’s ask ourselves, what good is there in an empty tomb for me, in my life, with my difficulties? In other words, how can I read the story of the resurrection with personal and real practical benefit?

During this study on the resurrection we will be drawing from the writings of Reformed and Puritan writers of the past, adapting them to the twenty-first-century mind and applying them to twenty-first-century life.

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