Presbytery Outreach Initiative—Victoria, BC: Update #3

by Aaron Dunlop
The team with the host family - Mr. and Mrs. Mallett

The team with the host family – Mr. and Mrs. Mallett

It is Monday evening here in Victoria on July 1st. The Lord’s Day was full and refreshing. We met for a time of prayer in the afternoon and had an extended time of fellowship after the evening service. The young people took part in the services. Many have spoken of how encouraging it was to hear them testify of the work of God in their heart and their desire to serve Him.

It is Canada Day and so we had the afternoon downtown with some time to sightsee. In our three-hour workshop this morning we considered the “Theology of Missions.” This evening we did a short workshop on the authority given to Christ in the Great Commission.

This evening there is a fireworks display downtown, so we are going down to join in the Canada Celebrations. For those parents following….all are still in good health and the luggage has been found. Please pray that the Lord would meet with us this week, sharpen our vision of Him and increase our zeal for Him.


Looking across the Juan de Fuca Strait from Victoria to the Olympic Mountains (Washington State, USA)


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