Presbytery Outreach Initiative—Victoria, BC: Update #4

by Aaron Dunlop

IMG_3726It is Tuesday evening and it has been a busy day. We did a workshop this morning and considered some aspects of evangelism from the life of Moses and his commission to Pharaoh


—the hardness of the sinner’s heart and the compromises  that the sinner might make (as Pharaoh did). In the Afternoon we did a leaflet-drop in the vicinity of the Church (about 800) and in the evening we went downtown to engage the people with the help of a gospel questionnaire.We were very hesitant at the beginning and nervous, but the young people soon got conversations going and came home very encouraged with the opportunities to speak of Christ. We hope to do this again tomorrow.


Mr. Steven Lee and his daughter Katie arrived in town this evening and immediately got engaged with the outreach downtown. We ended the evening with the time of fellowship and a box of Tim Horton’s donuts. IMG_3729

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